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Shout It Out For My Dream !!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Walking Down the Road 11

There always will be someone that really stand besides you

Walking down the lonely road, you will saw many people.
There is someone that you can talk to

He saw a person that walks by him
He know this person but, he can't tell who is it
Therefore he walk closer to the person
( You may not know who is that if you didn't walk closer to her)

Is her, 
A friend that used to share laughter and sadness together
He almost forgotten
There was a girl that having such a close friendship with him

So, he never give up the chance when they met again
They shared the meaning of life of their own
no matter is good or bad

Walking down the street...
He is not lonely anymore
At least there is someone that helps him to solve the unhappiness in his heart

She told me again
"You have to be more modest"
This is not the first time that she told me
But,unfortunately this is what he only understand now

On the other hand,
He understand that he was not alone anymore

He still have this BBF (Best Friend Forever)


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